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10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Spouse, Part 2

10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Spouse, Part 2

Apart from the decision to follow Christ, marriage is the biggest decision you will ever make. It is a lifelong commitment that will impact every area of your life for as long as you both shall live. As Jesus’ disciples realized and the apostle Paul taught explicitly, for many people it is better not to marry at all (1 Corinthians 7). But for those who do marry, it must not be entered into lightly. Here are ten behaviors to avoid in men when considering committing for life.

2. Inability to articulate a biblical view of spiritual leadership and demonstrate it in daily life. If a man can’t tell you what the Bible says about spiritual leadership and demonstrate that he is already living it out, you know for certain that you can move on. The Bible calls the man to be the spiritual leader of the home. Ephesians 5 commands him to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that she might be holy and without blemish (vs. 25-27). He is to nourish her and cherish her, as Christ does the church. He is to leave his mother and father for her, to hold fast to her, and to love her as he loves himself (vs. 29-33).

If you want to see how well he is living this out, ask him about the young men he has mentored and the personal sacrifices he has made for their well-being. Insist on spending time with those he has led to a place of growth, maturity, and Christian productivity. Ask the women in his life, including ex-girlfriends, how he made them better women, how he nurtured them, and whether he harmed them in any way by his own selfishness. Ask him to lead you through a few books of the Bible, preferably at a time of day that is inconvenient (but not unreasonable) for him. And consider whether this is a man to whom you can commit to following and respecting for the rest of your life.

10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Husband: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, and Part 10.

10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Spouse, Part 3

10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Spouse, Part 3

10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Spouse, Part 1

10 Behaviors for Christian Women to Avoid in a Potential Spouse, Part 1