Hello, my name is Laura Zifer Powell. I am a sinner saved by grace, seeking to devote all that I am to knowing my Savior and making him known.

I committed my life to Jesus at age 21 while a senior at Duke University, where I was encouraged to think critically while immersed in a culture of moral relativism. Following my conversion, I was discipled and served a year with Doulos Ministries in Colorado, where I realized I wanted to attend seminary and go into full-time ministry. A few years later, I attended Denver Seminary and then dove into ministry with a passion for spreading the knowledge and hope that had changed my life forever.

I have been privileged to serve in member care, discipleship, counseling, missions, college ministry, women’s ministry, and music ministry. I’ve traveled to nearly thirty countries, including Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Burundi, Peru, Uganda, India, Thailand, Greece, Turkey, Italy, the Philippines, and throughout Central America. My relationships with people of other cultures have solidified my faith, broadened my perspective, and enriched my life immensely. I wish for everyone to be so fortunate as to serve in cultures beyond their own.

Today my ministry includes writing, editing, speaking, teaching, and discipling women. I started An Affair with Reason to equip, educate, and encourage Christians to think clearly about what they believe, to defend the truth in the public square, and to live out the truth all the days of their lives. I also serve as an apologist with Women in Apologetics (WIA), where I help create online courses, write articles for our newsletter and e-books, represent WIA as an Islam Ministry Specialist, and serve as Secretary of the Board. I’m grateful for the tremendous privilege of participating in the work that God is doing to draw many people to Himself, for our good and His glory.

Soli Deo Gloria!