Upcoming Speaking Engagements


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Laura speaks around the nation and the globe at conferences, women’s retreats, missionary gatherings, panels, churches, and training events. She would be honored to speak at your next event.

Below she has provided a list of talks that she gives regularly. These are topics on which she is uniquely qualified to speak, and which line up with her passions, experiences, and background.

If you’re interested in having Laura speak at your event, please read this helpful article and then fill out the form below to let her know what you’re looking for. She’ll get back to you soon!


Laura’s Talks

Title: “Why I Stopped Sharing My Personal Testimony: An Apologetic for Apologetics”

Description: Most of us have been taught that the best way to share Christianity with unbelievers is by sharing our personal testimony, meaning a short story about how we were raised, when we decided to follow Jesus, the events surrounding that decision, and the good results we’ve experienced ever since. But is this the only way—or even the best way—to share truth? In this talk I share six biblical and practical reasons for using evidence when sharing truth.

Title:  Fulfilling the Great Commission Day to Day: The Path to Effective Conversations

Description: As followers of Jesus, we are all called to make disciples, but how do we enter into spiritual conversations in a way that is natural and effective, especially in cultures where people have either written off Christianity as "crazy talk", or they think they know all they need to know because they attend church and call themselves Christians? How do we prepare for such conversations, and what do we say when the opportunity arises? In this talk, we will address these questions and more as we seek to both equip and encourage the listener to fulfill the Great Commission, day to day.   

Title: Do All Paths Lead to God: Discovering Truth in a Pluralistic World

Description: Many people today talk about "my truth" and "your truth," but what is "the truth?" Are all religions basically the same? Do all paths lead to God? How can we "test the spirits," as the apostle John exhorted us, to know which worldview is from God? In this presentation, we discuss how to evaluate truth using three areas of study: science, history, and philosophy. We compare truth claims from various religions and worldviews, and learn to test them so that we may know what is true and become better equipped to recognize truth from falsehood when we encounter various ideas. We also answer the common objection Christians hear from pluralists: “But Christianity is so exclusive! How can you say your truth is the only way?”

Title: “Three Arguments for Theism: Cosmological, Teleological, and Moral”

Description: Have you ever been mocked for believing in God? Have you been told that believing in God is like believing in the flying spaghetti monster, or that God is a delusion created by people who simply cannot bear the realities of life? Have you been told that science has eliminated the need for religion? Join me for this talk as I lay out three very powerful, easily-memorized arguments for the existence of God. Once you learn these, you’ll be looking for atheists just to have these conversations with them.  

Title: “Just the Facts Ma’am: The Minimal Facts Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus”

Description: As the apostle Paul wrote, if Christ was not raised, then our faith is futile and we are all still dead in our sins (1 Corinthians 15:17). But how do we know the resurrection really happened, and what evidence can we offer to others who may not be convinced the Bible is the inerrant Word of God? In this presentation, we’ll learn to make a case for the resurrection using only historical facts agreed upon by virtually all scholars of the life and times of Jesus, regardless of worldview.

Title: “The Historical Reliability of the Gospels”

Description: As Christians, we look to the Gospels to teach us about the character, commands, and life of our Lord, but are the Gospels reliable? How do we know the events they record are not just myths created by power-hungry men who wanted to create a new religion? Is there any veracity to the claims that the teachings of the Gospels were stolen from ancient pagan religions? What evidence is there to give us confidence that we are right to trust in the events and teachings of the Gospels?

Title: “Ideas Have Consequences: Worldview Implications for Everyday Living”

Description: Many people seem to believe that following Christ begins and ends with making a decision to receive forgiveness. In reality, Christianity offers a comprehensive worldview, a way of viewing ourselves, our world, our purpose, our relationships, our destiny, and everything in between. In this talk, we examine the Christian worldview and how it applies to several practical areas of life, including our education/work, our relationships, our finances, our politics, and our use of time. It is my hope that listeners will walk away better equipped to apply the Christian worldview to every area of life, every decision, and every encounter, to God’s glory and for their good.

Title: “Raising Your Child with a Biblical Worldview”

Description: False ideas are readily available and easily accessible everywhere in our culture. We need only view a billboard, turn on the news, go on the Internet, send our children to school, or watch a Disney movie to see that false worldviews have taken the day. How can we possibly raise up the next generation to be clear thinking Christians who possess a biblical worldview in such an environment? We will tackle this all-important topic in this talk.

Title: Was Jesus a Socialist?

Description: As socialism grows in popularity, it is becoming more common to the hear claims that Jesus was a socialist, or that he would be if he lived on earth today. Is there any evidence for this in the historical documents? What support do people use to make these claims? What are the historical results of socialism, and do these outcomes align with Jesus's desires or priorities as revealed in the Bible? Is socialism the most effective economic system? Is it the most moral? We discuss these questions and their ramifications in this presentation.

Title: “6 Common Muslim Objections to Christianity”

Description: In this talk, Laura shares the six most common objections to Christianity made by Muslims, why Muslims make each of these arguments, and how to respond effectively. This material, resulting not only from Laura’s extensive study of Islam but also from her many years of personally ministering to Muslims, is sure to equip you with thoughtful responses to engage effectively in conversations with your Muslim friends.

Title: “The Islamic Dilemma: What the Qur’an Says About the Bible”

Description: The first and foremost challenge you are likely to hear from any Muslim is that the Bible has been corrupted while the Qur’an has been perfectly preserved. One way to respond is to go through the extensive principles and history of biblical textual criticism, but with Muslims there is an easier, quicker, and more effective way of approaching this topic. In this talk, we go through how to put this Islamic myth to rest while also raising a major problem for Muslims and the Qur’an.

Title: “Unveiling Islam: Women, Sex, and Paradise”

Description: According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 11 out of the 12 countries with the highest levels of discrimination against women are Muslim-majority countries. And yet many of the most vocal women in the West today claim that Muhammad was a women’s rights activist and one of the most pro-women figures ever to live. In this talk we explore the sacred writings of Islam and the life of Muhammad to discover the truth of what Islam teaches about women, sex, and paradise.

Title: “A Case for Life”

Description: About a million babies are aborted in the United States every year, and at least 60 million have been aborted legally since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973. From the earliest days of Christianity, Christians have opposed abortion, and yet our culture today largely seems to celebrate it. Is abortion really wrong? Is there scientific evidence to support this position? If so, how do we make a case to those who aren’t already convinced? What is the single most important question we ought to ask when making our case? These questions and many more are addressed in this talk.

Title: “Islam and Christianity: Three Critical Differences”

Description: Islam and Christianity share a common belief in one God who is eternal, sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful, wise, merciful, and just. They also share belief in Jesus as the great miracle-worker, Messiah, and teacher who was born of a virgin and will one day come again. Both religions believe in prophets, angels and demons, Paradise and Hell, and a future judgment and resurrection. But there are three absolutely critical differences that we as Christians must be prepared to speak to. They include: 1. Did Jesus claim to be God, 2. Did Jesus die on the cross, and 3. Did Jesus rise from the dead? In this talk we go through the evidence for affirming these truths, and in so doing we will discover one of the most devastating arguments against Islam.   

Title: “Is God a Moral Monster?: Exploring Christian Violence”

Description: Atheist Richard Dawkins has described the God of the Old Testament as “a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic racist, an infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” Is that an accurate description of the God of Christianity? We sometimes hear talk of the violence produced by Islam, communism, and atheism, but what about the God of the Bible? Did he command genocide? Did he murder his son? What about the Crusades? Don’t they show that Christianity is every bit as violent as any other worldview?

Title: “The Trinity: Contradiction or Solution?”

Description: Christians believe that God is a Trinity, meaning he is one God and three persons. But isn’t this a contradiction? How can God be three and yet also be one? The word Trinity isn’t even found in the Scriptures, so where does it come from? Is it biblical? In this talk, we go beyond a basic understanding and examine where we find the doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. We also look at why the doctrine of the Trinity is not only logical, but also both helpful and beautiful. It is my hope that this talk will equip Christians with a better understanding of their own faith as well as equip them to defend this significant doctrine that is rejected by most of the world’s religions, including Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, Jews, and others.

Title: “The Religion of Peace?: The Role of Jihad in the World’s Fastest-Growing Religion”

Description: Is Islam a religion of peace? If so, why are there killings all over the world in the name of Allah every single day of the year? And if the violence is related to Islam, why do Muslims kill other Muslims? Doesn’t that prove that it’s not about religion? We will address these questions and more as we delve into the Qur’an and hadith to discover the role of Jihad in the fastest-growing religion in the world.

Title: “A Hope that Does Not Disappoint”

Description: When we were young, many of us were told that we could be or do anything we wanted. We had huge dreams for our lives. The world was our oyster, and we were going to devour it. Even now, we know in the depths of our souls that we were made for a great purpose, and yet our lives seem to be characterized as much by disappointment as by triumph. What do we make of this? Are we doing something wrong? Has God forgotten us? Can we still trust Him? Is all hope for a glorious future lost? In this talk, Laura addresses disappointment, regret, lies, and where our true hope lies.